How Spix works
Potato protein is a magical ingredient - the base of gorgeous and delicious creations because of its foaming, gelling and emulsifying properties. It will work as a key ingredient of your vegan cooking and baking.

Our products
Spix has two products: Spix Eggless Whites and Spix Pure Potato Protein. Let's show you how both products work and why you'd want to use them!

Spix Pure Potato Protein
Spix Pure Potato Protein offers a fantastic potential for innovation for cookery and nourishment. The protein is isolated by a unique process using native potatoes. It's plant base is more sustainable than animal-based proteins and is a perfect substitute to aquafaba or chickpea water.

Spix Eggless Whites
To make Spix a perfect ingredient to replace egg whites, we add an acid and a thickener. This combination makes it perfect for the stabilization of a stronger foam with a crucial binding consistency. You only need add water and see the magic happen when you start whipping.
Using our alternative to egg whites will give you the perfect meringue, macarons, fluffy cake, mousse, cookies, biscuits and burgers, bringing a smile to anyone and everyone who tries it.